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ivy_b March 25 2013, 12:37:11 UTC
This is kind of weird in a lovely way, because these happen to be the opposite ordering of mine, with Miles at #1, and then the Ben-Rachel tag-teamed devastation being #2. I especially loved seeing so dark down into Ben. Reminds me a lot of what Kripke and Co. have been saying about how each of the characters have their shade of gray. There's no singularly white or black character. Morally.

Well, it was a close second, so great minds and all? I think for it was kinda obvious that Miles was shady, drinking to forget and once we knew Monroe was Bass his BFF, it was kinda obvious that he founded the Militia. I think that's why it's #2 for me- it's a cool reveal, but it's not really shocking.

But Ben pretty much knowingly destroying the world for greed? That was an awesome surprise. I get the feeling that he's also a hypocrite and would shun Miles for founding the Republic, while keeping to himself his involvement in the blackout.

Like you said, I also love morally gray characters, or good guys doing bad things for what they believe are good reasons. I like it in Revolution so far, I'm just a little worried as time goes by things will be more black and white (Kripke keeps talking about good vs. evil a bit too much)- Monroe will be EVUL, Miles is the anti-hero/reformed bad guy trying not to slip, Rachel atoning for past sins, and Charlie is the real hero. Maybe Neville will have shades of gray, but I feel like Randall and Monroe will be less and less complex and more evil. I hope I'm wrong.


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