episode 1X11- 3 sneak peeks

Mar 19, 2013 21:28

3 Sneak Peeks for episode 1X11. Is it March 25th yet?

Source: SpoilerTV

The link is at the source, I can't find it on youtube yet. If someone can find it, I'll edit it into the post.


What do you all think? It kinda breaks my heart to hear Monroe saying that Miles is nothing and Tom should just kill him. Charlie uses her Militia brand (I still need someone to freak out about it- preferably Rachel) and the gang are so going to that Rebel camp to try and save them, probably how someone gets killed. Rachel- Aaron and Charlie are right, we all deserve some answers.

That's all I got for now, how about you guys?

(c): charlie matheson, (misc): sneak peek, (ep): 1.11 the stand, (c): nora clayton, (c): rachel matheson, (misc): media, (c): aaron pittman, (c): major tom neville, (misc): news, (misc): spoilers, (c): miles matheson, (c): sebastian "bass" monroe

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