(no subject)

Dec 15, 2012 13:23

So the Community Prompt list went up today and I...got inspired.

Title: long on the road
Author: shiegra
Fandom: NBC's Revolution
Rating: teen
Characters: Charlie, Miles, Nora, Aaron
Pairing(s): N/A - gen
Contains: violence, death
Prompt(s): from nbc_revolution's Community Prompt Table. (014. Border Patrol)
Notes: Just a bit of character interaction filler, flexing my fingers in the canon. Set at an anonymous point after the midseason break.
Summary: “Something’s not right,” he said.

( Read here )

Title: small hands
Author: shiegra
Fandom: NBC's Revolution
Rating: Charlie Matheson, Miles Matheson
Characters: Charlie, Miles
Pairing(s): the usual danger of subtext
Contains: squishy broken family feelings
Prompt(s): For nbc_revolution's Community Prompt Table. (001. Tear)
Notes: More character filler.
Summary: She must look like hell; his voice is gentle.

( Read here )

(c): charlie matheson, (r): pg, (r): pg-15, (misc): prompt table fill, (g): fluff, (c): nora clayton, (fw): fanfic, (c): aaron pittman, (c): miles matheson, (l): one shot

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