Extra Q&A's that I forgot...(Warning: the Qs are hugely repetitive and the answers are really vague)

May 05, 2015 15:09

Here’s your chance to ask the writers, producers, and artist of the #RevolutionComic your questions!
What would you like to know about the making of the final installment of the series? Leave your questions in the comments below.

Q1. Lets resolve a couple of things, the Charlie /Miles, father /daughter thing, second the deal with the nano's , do they take over? are they defeated? do they evolve further? and what of the other necklaces of power, there were about a dozen of them all over the country ?, who wins the Patriot/Texas/California War ? finally DOES THE POWER COME BACK ON ???
I can guarantee at least one of those things will be answered. [from the producers]

Q2. Is there ever communication across the ocean?
Back in season one, Georgia stated they had trade with other nations-- so I think that suggests there is communication over oceans. Now-- what kind of communication… [from the producers]

Q3. Is Charlie ending up with Bass?! I want that to happen. And is Miles Charlie's Father? Wouldn't shock me.
Not sure how Miles would feel about either of those. [from the producers]

Q4. Is miles Charlies dad????
I find it interesting no one ever asks who Danny’s dad is. [from the producers]

Q5. Will the electricity ever come back on permanently?!?!?!
I need to give you SOME reason to read the comic. [from the producers]

Q6. All I've EVER wanted to know is what's up with all the Stephen King references?! Please tell me or I'll wonder forever. Thanks & look in' forward to seeing how it all wraps up.
I think Stephen King’s “THE STAND” has had a major influence on nearly every post-apocalyptic story. Whether the authors know it or not. [from the producers]

Q7. Will it ever be revealed that Charlie is Miles daughter? Also will the Monroe Republic finally return and control the whole US.
As long as Monroe is alive, the Monroe Republic is never truly gone. [from the producers]

Q8. Will Bass and his son succeed in taking back the Monroe Republic?
Everyone knows it wasn’t really a “REPUBLIC”, right? [from the producers]

Q9. Will a comic book be enough to resolve both the cliffhanger season two left off on as well as any other lingering plot threads?
Ideally, we would have loved to spend another season’s worth of episodes with these characters-- but the comic gives us a chance to say goodbye on our own terms. [from the writers]


Via: Revolution FB

Note: This happened before Kripke's Q&A, I guess to test the waters and see if we'd be up for it. Luckily that one went much better.

(misc): media, !dc comic revolution, !post show: 2015

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