Revolution to get four-issue comic series from DC

Apr 16, 2015 05:59

We did it. Well, sort of. We won't be getting any new episodes, but thanks to the the #RelocateRevolution campaign we'll be getting closure to the story through a four-issue comic series from DC. Below is a letter from Kripke himself, plus a couple of pictures.

Kripke speaks )

(!): ben edlund, !post show: 2015, (!): tracy spiridakos, (!): rockne s. o’bannon, (!): eric kripke

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mustbethursday3 April 20 2015, 01:42:59 UTC
I'm not sure whether to hope for one final 'episode' broken into 4 pieces or 4 separate 'episodes'...

So we should have reading posts after the comics are issued, yes?

Yes, I think we totally should. As far as I can tell comics tend to be between 26 and 32 pages so maybe we'll just link to it or pick out awesome frames...Hmmm it's really a pity we can't live blog reading (coz you can't read 2 things at the same time).

I guess we could discuss it post-read and reference things? Coz I like you guys in real time. And I miss it.

ie. Rewatch #7:

buttercups3: uh oh. Miles is the worst at torture. what's up with that?
Thursday: He should have been the password...
Ivy_b: he let Strausser do all the work
Mercy: next time, t.
Thursday: Miles is rusty
buttercups3: miles is a kitten
Gizzi1213: Nicholas should have been with Nora...they had more chemistry that Miles and Nora
Ivy_b: kitty?
Mercy: as rusty cuddly kitten
Thursday: He's been a bartender for like 4 years. He's used to people WANTING to talk
Ivy_b: Nora/Nicholas FTW!
Gizzi1213: Miles as a purring kitten...there's a thought
Mercy: YES, IVY!

(I legitimately think about finding a way to incorporate our crazy ramblings with gifs every few weeks or so. I'm going to have to do it eventually)


shortysc22 April 20 2015, 22:49:12 UTC
I'm really just hoping it wraps it up way better than the show did, since that's what they're going in with this as.

I have no idea how we would do a discussion post but it needs to happen. Then sadly, I'll end up moving on from Revolution.

Seriously this comm and show have helped me find new loves. I discovered how much I love going to film festivals and how easy it is to meet random celebrities there.


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