Revolution to get four-issue comic series from DC

Apr 16, 2015 05:59

We did it. Well, sort of. We won't be getting any new episodes, but thanks to the the #RelocateRevolution campaign we'll be getting closure to the story through a four-issue comic series from DC. Below is a letter from Kripke himself, plus a couple of pictures.

Kripke speaks )

(!): ben edlund, !post show: 2015, (!): tracy spiridakos, (!): rockne s. o’bannon, (!): eric kripke

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marciaelena April 16 2015, 03:02:57 UTC
While I *am* grateful that Kripke and the show's writing team are working to give us fans some closure, I'm not particularly overjoyed that it's going to be a comic book series. But I know a lot of people will be over the moon with this news. Those character sketches need a lot of improvement, though. Monroe in particular looks nothing like himself.


marciaelena April 16 2015, 04:33:06 UTC
I'm happy to have a reason to hurry up and gif what I haven't - maybe find a way to incorporate gifs and stills into sets...idk?

Mostly I'm happy to have ppl talk about things again. Maybe get that prompt table up like I said I would. Permanent hiatus makes me lazy.

My problem is Miles', you're ANIMATED FFS how is your hair still doing its own thing?

And I'm happy to see what I consider to be the core 3 up first...also yay Billy having a reason to tweet when he so rarely does.

This is Thursday beeteedubs I'm in transit and too lazy to login.

Thank you for posting this, I had to rush out of the house this morning, and nagging Mercy to do it obviously had no immediate effect :P


mustbethursday3 April 16 2015, 10:56:07 UTC
Another thing, I really love the sincerity of Kripke's letter. It just sort of sets a really good mood...or something.

He cares.

We might have to rewatch 2.22 (before the first release) to remember what happened a year ago or whatever. CRAP. How long has it been now? It feels like forever.

If I was really greedy I'd wish in addition to this we'd get like a 5 minute audio track released along with the first comic, with the actor's actual voices and sound effects (recycled from the show), of like the first few pages/frames or whatever. And that they'd also be releasing episode commentary on a fan voted favourites list so we could hear them giggling and nudging each other over expressions and things that happened on set...OH and you know an extra extended deleted scenes/blooper reel of S1 and S2.

But I'm not greedy, so nosireebob I'm not wishing for that....shhh


mercscilla April 16 2015, 15:27:25 UTC
It was morning when I read your tumblr message and by then I had no time to do it but when I wanted to do it after work, SOMEONE beat me to it. \o/


mustbethursday3 April 17 2015, 08:53:51 UTC

You know, I considered tagging you and then went 'No, she'll read it'.

Also, boo. Stupid RL interfering with our ability to fangirl. There should be a law against it. Thank god for people like marciaelena.


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