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mercscilla May 20 2014, 15:30:51 UTC
C O N F E S S I O N - T H R E A D

Your typical revolution-confessions (anonymous or not).


mustbethursday3 May 20 2014, 15:39:43 UTC
I care WAY too much about the state every character's hair.

If they have bad hair, that's what I think about as they're talking.

Except for Miles, I've become immune to bad Miles hair. (Thanks S1!)

I also get distracted by Charlie, Bass and Rachel's pretty hair.

I like hair *laughs* ...coz I'm weird.


sasha_b May 21 2014, 01:25:19 UTC
I love Charlie's outfits and am obsessed by all the women's footwear. I looked up Charlie's boots to see if I could afford them. that would be a no

I also am a little in love with Bass' military boots and Miles green/olive jacket. Also that brown leather coat thing. Mmmmmm.


buttercups3 May 21 2014, 01:44:07 UTC
This is really dangerous, Mercy!

But well, if pressed... I frequently stare at the boys' crotches, Miles' voice is pure sex to me, and it's all YOUR fault I ship Marlie, darling. You know that, right? YOUR FAULT! xx

Oh and I've published 81 stories for Revolution on various websites, some novel-length. Basically I invest more time in Miles than anyone in my life next to Spouse. Bass is probably third most at this point.


scifidvm May 21 2014, 02:46:01 UTC
When calculating out the amount of money I spent on the three trips during which I encountered David, in relation to the amount of time spent with him... It comes to just over $4 per second.
Worth. Every. Penny.


mustbethursday3 May 21 2014, 08:45:07 UTC
I honestly thought I'd fill out the form for last week's episode.


...And there's still time but I'd rather gif.

This icon shows how prepared I am.

But I will do tomorrows. Even if it kills me.


mustbethursday3 May 21 2014, 09:57:00 UTC
I'm aware that I make stupid analogies....but even I'm still WTF-ing over this THING I just found (while looking for when Rae rec'd Hith's fic series):

It's like giving a penguin a remote control, it'll press some of the right buttons - but it all comes down to luck.

Does that count as a confession? It feels like a confession. Also, I think I'm more sane now which is good, I was afraid I was going the other way...


shortysc22 May 22 2014, 16:30:54 UTC
I feel like this analogy fits with mine and Sci's adventures. If we hadn't run into one of my friends who completely encouraged us to have no shame, I probably wouldn't have dragged us up to him the second weekend. It all came down to timing that second weekend.


marciaelena May 21 2014, 13:00:02 UTC
Confessions, hmm...

I stare at Charlie's breasts. A lot. I daydream about them.

Miles' voice does things to me. And his eyes--they can kill me with the emotion they show, or send chills (the bad kind) down my spine when he's being dark!Miles.

Heh, I feel like this could be a love letter to the characters, too.


carlier36 May 21 2014, 16:21:56 UTC
Well, compared to SOME wonderful people here, this isn't that impressive but my eyes still bulged out of my head when I grabbed the calculator and determined that....

I have officially written over 131,000 words of fic for this fandom. *buries head in hands*

That's more than I've ever written for any other fandom. That's more than I've ever written on ORIGINAL fiction. That's almost three NaNos, guys, and I've never even completed one!


hithelleth May 21 2014, 20:18:26 UTC
Yeah, this show really kicked off my writing, too.


shesagalaxygirl May 21 2014, 23:39:19 UTC
This show...it pulled me from a sad echo of a place I was in two years ago. It fired up my imagination, inspired me to write fainfiction again even though I haven't ever posted any of it, and it propelled me out of my introverted issues to interact with other fans on other forums, all because I love it so much. I also didn't just enjoy the characters, I watched interviews with the actors and have grown an appreciative affection for all of them because they seem like amazing, genuine people IRL. It sounds so cliched, but this show changed my life for the better; I made a few new friends, became aware of Billy, Tracy and David, and began writing again because of it. You can't get much better than that.


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