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mercscilla May 20 2014, 15:29:18 UTC
F L A I L - T H R E A D

Flail about everything Revolution and beyond.


mustbethursday3 May 20 2014, 15:35:10 UTC

You come up with the best names for things, M.

AND OMG IT'S THE S1 TITLEY THING ;_; ...the flailing turned sad, very quickly.


mustbethursday3 May 20 2014, 15:52:34 UTC

The maintainer-lock is a really good way to give yourself time to set everything up...too bad it doesn't keep me out XD

*wanders around and touches everything*

I'm tired. Is it obvious?


mercscilla May 20 2014, 15:58:10 UTC
OMG, suddenly you were there and I was like TOEARLYFLAILSHOOSH. xD Your a bit like Arrow's Felicity right now... I LOVE YOU! <3

*shoos you away from the explosive stuff*

Tired makes you hyperactive, doesn't it? *sighs* Where's that leash i had...


mustbethursday3 May 20 2014, 16:01:52 UTC
I'll take that as a compliment. I love Felicity Smoak.

And Oi. I'm too awesome for a leash :P


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