fic: March On

Feb 16, 2014 11:17

Title: March On
Author: kathrynthegr8
Fandom: Revolution
Rating: M
Pairings/Characters: Charlie/Bass
Warnings: Sex. Spoilers for all aired episodes, but mostly speculation here.
Word count: 1200ish
Disclaimer: These toys belong to Kripke and NBC, I'm just playing with them. No infringement is intended, no profit is being made.
A/N: Oh man. I wanted the AO3 1 Million tag and this fandom needed more Charloe smut. Win all around, yes? Again, I threw this together rather quickly when I saw on Twitter about AO3's one millionth fic. I have other, better things written for this pairing but none of them are finished. This is my version of a future in which Bass gets almost every thing he wants. Not a snowball's chance in hell of this happening on the show, just a fangirl's dream.

AO3 or Here on LJ

!season: two, (r): r-rated, (p): charlie/monroe, (g): smut, (l): one shot, (fw): fanfic

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