Fic: You Came Back [Charlie/Bass]

Jan 27, 2014 19:50

Rating: PG-15
Word Count: ~260
Genre: Horror/Adventure/Romance
Summary: In an abandoned hospital Bass and Charlie look for medical files that may hold important information about the virus that turned people into zombies.
A/N: This is set in one of my favourite AUs, the zombie apocalypse. There's an accompanying gif-set to further fuel my need of gore and horror. *throws brains and eyeballs in the air* Also, I realized superlate I posted this everywhere but here. *clings to you all* And I have a rather unhealthy number of zombie movies stored on my harddrive...
Archives: AO3 | tumblr

Get in. Find the files. Get out. That’s the plan, and everything goes according to it until they’re on their way out and find themselves face to face with the walking dead. Standing on opposite sides of the hallway, their eyes meet as they listen to the moaning and shuffling coming closer and closer.

It’s a split second decision for Bass, the files are more important than getting into a battle they probably won’t survive anyway, and with one last shrug he leaves Charlie to her fate, ignoring the sharp pain pulling in the hollow of his chest.

It’s the right decision, Charlie knows it, but it still hurts like hell. Gritting her teeth, she tightens her grip on her sword, her heart beating out a too-loud rhythm in her chest, and she swears, she’s not going down without taking at least some of them with her.

Hands clutch at her, pulling her forward and throwing her against a wall, bloody teeth coming down on her, and she hacks and shoves against what was once a soldier. It’s strong, stronger than her, and Charlie feels herself weakening, but all of the sudden, the crushing weight is gone and blood splashes across the floor.

With wide eyes she stares at her savior, barely believing he’s actually there. “You came back,” she says, and somewhere in her words is a question that Bass has no idea how to answer. At least not with words. Silently, he grips her hand and pulls her after him out of the door and to safety.

Maybe that’s answer enough for now.

- END -

(l): drabble, (c): charlie matheson, (p): charlie/monroe, (r): pg-15, (g): au, (c): sebastian "bass" monroe, (fw): fanfic

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