Episode 2X11 new Synopsis

Dec 28, 2013 00:01

NBC released their prime time schedule for Jan. 12-18, including Revolution.

Source: SpoilerTV


01/15/2014 (08:00PM - 09:00PM) (Wednesday) : MONROE'S PARENTING SKILLS ARE PUT TO THE TEST - KIM RAVER GUEST STARS - Monroe (David Lyons) finds himself in unfamiliar territory and must make a choice about his son, Conner (Matt Vairo) whilst Neville (Giancarlo Esposito) and Julia (Kim Raver) continue to tango at Jason's (JD Pardo) dismay. Meanwhile, Gene (Stephen Collins) leads Charlie (Tracy Spiridakos) to an uneasy discovery.

Also starring JD Pardo, Christopher Cousins, David Aaron Baker, Jorge Jimenez and Jack Scalia.


Monroe's parenting skills? What parenting skills? This guy should be around 25-27, not a little kid that needs parenting, why does Monroe even think he has to right to parent Conner/Connor (make up your mind NBC!) or make a choice about him?

And LOL, "Neville and Julia continue to tango at Jason's dismay", boy that sounds like a very colorful and vivid schadenfreude at his expense. They tango at his dismay? And it's a continuing thing? That's kind of mean.

The uneasy discovery is totally Miles being Charlie's dad and I'm not ready for this frakkery, I'm really not. This is not what I want Gene and Charlie to bond over/spend time doing!

And no mention of Aaron, not even in the "also starring"- do you think we could be having an Aaron-less episode finally? I could use one. He can go play with the Nanites!kid and that ball of yarn in Oklahoma, off screen.

(misc): fifty days gap, !season: two, (misc): media, (misc): episode synopsis, (misc): spoilers, (misc): news

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