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buttercups3 November 4 2013, 01:20:03 UTC
Yay! Something about this photo draws my eyes to face and then crotch. And I'm not complaining about either. I love all the Tao Ruspoli photos and may be a minor stalker of his work. Polly seems to be one of his muses, too. And we know how I obsess over her... Plus this particular guitar is so sexy. I was just playing some Billy on the piano. When's he gonna come out with more songs?

I've also lucked out 'cause the one guy known through out the field as a misogynistic jerk who loves to harass really junior women about their science wasn't at the first two conferences I was at so I missed that particular form of 'hazing'.

He sounds like someone who needs to be put in a dunk tank. The problem for me is that because of my uber famous advisor and the fact that I was one of the pioneers in my subfield, I have an odd amount of control over my dominion for being pre-tenure. Of course, that doesn't go over well with certain people. Apparently, I've started to get my first batch of outrageous reviews on my book (like one suggested my advisor ghost wrote my book for me. HAHA.) I don't read them, but every once in a while, people feel compelled to share them with me. Oh dear.

Back to Tao, have you seen the pictures of Polly and Bluesy when she was a baby? Bluesy looked so much like Billy when she was a plump little babe. Awww. If I knew how to post a pic, I'd put my fave here.


valantha47 November 4 2013, 01:29:44 UTC
The placement of the guitar is pointing to the crotch. Probably why our eyes go there ;) I really like the decorative stuff at the top. The Tao Ruspoli photos are so pretty…


He sounds like someone who needs to be put in a dunk tank.
For sure, rumors say he claims he's doing it because women scientists are all too thin-skinned and we need to toughen up… I really don't think pointing out controls and experiments that need to be done on a third year graduate student's poster help anything (especially when they're written in her future directions…)

Of course, that doesn't go over well with certain people.
I can see how that could happen *rolls eyes* academics…

Apparently, I've started to get my first batch of outrageous reviews on my book (like one suggested my advisor ghost wrote my book for me. HAHA.) I don't read them, but every once in a while, people feel compelled to share them with me.
I'm sorry, that's annoying…

No I haven't, I'll look later, or if you press the button on the reply tool bar to the right of the face for linking to LJ users you can browse for and upload images.

Mayhem and Miles' blankey 'cause it makes me happy ;)


buttercups3 November 4 2013, 01:38:18 UTC
My attempt to paste got spammed, so I took it back! Just go to his photo gallery entitled Polly & Bluesy, and you'll see what I mean. Humans shouldn't be this cute. This is what happens when beautiful people procreate.

V's blanky! Here, have some Mayhem making out.


valantha47 November 4 2013, 01:57:32 UTC
My attempt to paste got spammed, so I took it back!

I'd seen the pic of Billy and Bluesy before, but the two photos of Polly and Bluesy in the tub are soooo adorable! One cute tot. All wide-eyed and chubby cheeked!

Hot-poolside-Billy bids you a daylight savings time bedtime adieu.


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