Fic: Bail

Oct 20, 2013 18:32

Happy Belated Birthday, Comm!

Title: Bail
Rating: Gen
Pairings: Ben/Rachel, Bass, Miles
Summary: Ben Matheson goes home to Jasper, Indiana, for his wedding, and his little brother gets into trouble. Family stuff: fluff and angst.

"Ben had always imagined that it would require an apocalypse to get him home again, to sit in the very chair of his boyhood trauma at the circular kitchen table, where Dad alternated between sullen silence and grating critique - Miles’ grades were shit, Ben never did the yard work, if their mother were still alive she’d be ashamed at how much lip they give their father…and all the rest. So what the hell is Ben doing here in this still-quaint but now slightly dilapidated memory-prison that Ben and Miles eternally pretend they’re trying sell but can’t sufficiently wade through the nostalgia to actually sell? Ben’s here because of love, of course. Or, more specifically, because of marriage."

Read it on AO3.

(r): g, (c): ben matheson, (g): fluff, (misc): birthday, (fw): fanfic, (c): rachel matheson, (g): pre-series, (c): miles matheson, (c): sebastian "bass" monroe, (g): angst, (l): one shot

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