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mustbethursday3 October 2 2013, 09:30:21 UTC

Consider this my desperation to get five minutes away from my assignment. (It's not a hard assignment, just a boring one.)

Why is not tomorrow yet? And why am I working tomorrow?!


ivy_b October 2 2013, 15:12:57 UTC
Why, thank you kindly *g*

I've sort of not been reading those spoilery threads, not because I have a proble with spoilers, but I'm not feeling the "OMG, MUST KNOW ALL NOW!!!" drive. We'll see, hopefully the upcoming episodes will be great and I'll get excited and invested again.

Why is not tomorrow yet?

It will never be tomorrow, which is why you should be living in the here and now. ;)

And you're working tomorrow cause you're a loveable idiot who made a mistake. Stay strong T!


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