Fic: Let me hear you speaking just for me

Sep 07, 2013 21:22

Let me hear you speaking just for me, Charlie, Bass, Rachel, (mentions of Charlie/Miles, mentions of past Charlie/Bass) AU, PG (swearing), (2,543 words) || Prompt: Bargain.

She remembers back to Rachel and Ben’s wedding, when Bass'd gotten drunk, and she’d almost taken advantage of the situation. Bridesmaids were supposed to get off with groomsmen ( Read more... )

(c): captain jeremy baker, (c): charlie matheson, (r): pg, (p): charlie/monroe, (fw): fanfic, (c): rachel matheson, (g): au, (p): charlie/miles, (c): sebastian "bass" monroe, (l): one shot

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Comments 5

hithelleth September 7 2013, 17:14:46 UTC
Oh, I like this! Your mind should be crazy more often if it makes thing like this happen. I can totally see Charlie being Rachel's little sister, though with a bit more open mind, and twirling everyone (well, at least Miles, Bass and Jeremy as it seems) around her little finger. And of course she'd sort out this crazy world, I loved her plan: “I’m going to find Miles, kick some sense into him, drag him back to the Hellmouth, get him to kick some sense into Bass, get you out of here and back to Ben and the munchkin, and if there’s time: save the world and get laid - in that order,” Charlie grins, moving over to wrap her sister in a big hug. “Don’t go crazy while I’m away, people have a habit of doing that.”

Um, and Charlie and Jeremy being sort of friends is always a plus. :)


mustbethursday3 September 8 2013, 11:23:29 UTC
Thank you. OMG every time I post I forget that little, oh shit feeling, that happens, and lasts until someone rocks up and is all - that was good/fine.

I'm glad you think the crazy thing's working because I can't seem to turn it off *laughs* ...for better or worse.

I can totally see Charlie being Rachel's little sister, though with a bit more open mind, and twirling everyone (well, at least Miles, Bass and Jeremy as it seems) around her little finger.

Elizabeth and Tracy look related - casting did a good job - and it makes my mind think about changing the basis of relationships. Plus Rachel and Charlie have a bit of a antagonistic sister-y relationship IMO, no one has the upper hand, they're equals.

AND YES, that's exactly how I was trying to write her. This Charlie's got a bit of the brat gene, but she still has the steel of a Porter to give her backbone, and a last name that swings a lot of weight and comes with a hell of a lot of baggage. And she'll use it all. Plus, her natural ability to empathise with people also allows her ( ... )


valantha47 September 8 2013, 01:54:09 UTC
"I’m going to find Miles, kick some sense into him, drag him back to the Hellmouth, get him to kick some sense into Bass, get you out of here and back to Ben and the munchkin, and if there’s time: save the world and get laid - in that order." LOL love the Buffy reference, and the Charlie & Jeremy shenanigans.


mustbethursday3 September 8 2013, 11:24:54 UTC
I couldn't help the Buffy reference, I have Buffy on the brain.

Thanks for the comment :D


villagewitch October 13 2013, 21:54:50 UTC
This is fabulous! I love Charlie's level of snark. Thanks for sharing!


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