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ivy_b July 21 2013, 13:58:44 UTC
Bass is competent! Sometimes! Umm...he...ummm....he did very well with the Drones! And he turned Jim! (Since Jim apparently just left his wife in an easy to find place as he swanned off to join the rebels).

That whole mess with Jim, don't get me started. The only competent bad guy was Randall and now he's gone.

As for Tom and Jason...eh....at this point I don't care enough about Jason to want to see anything new about him?

I know how you feel. I don't actively hate Jason, I just find him boring and bland, and his weird obsession with Charlie is creepy. But I feel like there's potential there for a decent character, if they distance him from Charlie and focus on him being a Neville and his relationship with his dad/mom. That being said, if in the first episode of S2 he ends up dead, I won't bat a lash or mourn his loss.

Jason was an empty vessel who apparently believed in nothing and no-one until Charlie's boobs

Yeah, it's a problem. It would be one thing if we'd see him giving a crap about the Rebels or the state of the Republic or human life- but all he seems to care about is rebelling against Tom and anything that's Charlie. It makes me want to try and figure him out in Pre-Charlie fic (I actually started a pre-show Jason fic during the hiatus, but got stuck and couldn't write it) but it's a problem the writers need to fic if they plan on keeping Jason around.

At the moment I wish they'd just vaporised Jason, so we could have Tom and Julia running the show back east while Charlie hunts Bass through a whorehouse.
(Hopefully he won't sniff anyone's hair).

I'm also traumatized by that webisode. But Bass has always been creepy and rapey, so I have no hope for him to mend his ways, now that he's lost everything, hit rock bottom and decided to go all Fight Club on us.


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