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carlier36 September 12 2014, 05:06:45 UTC
Ice Shards | Miles/Rachel(/Bass) (sort of impliedish threesome? But in the vaguest, least sexual terms ever), Connor and Charlie offscreen | Snow | PG-13 | Very vaguely implied abuse, not particularly Connor friendly, future fic, offscreen massacre

I cannot get this under 600 words. I did pare it down from over 700; that counts for something, right??Snow flurries blow in with two bundled figures, the wind howling for brief seconds before the door slams shut again. The stairs creak under their feet and Miles leans against the cell bars in bored anticipation. It’s been ages since they saw anyone other than their guard, twice a day for meals and a few gulps of water. Bass flings a pencil silently at the wall, his makeshift dart sticking precariously in the dense soil that makes up three of their walls ( ... )


hithelleth September 12 2014, 11:32:34 UTC
I see I have some RM2 reading to catch up with (I know I do, I have a bunch of your stories marked for later, lol.) This was very good. Poor Miloe thrown in a dungeon while Connor does evil outside. That's one way he could end up. At least Rachel brought them a moment of sunshine. Poor bbs. All of them. (Except the brattling.)


carlier36 September 12 2014, 15:09:23 UTC
Aww thanks! I look forward to hearing your thoughts on some older fics. :P

I'm clearly on this angsty, mourning our show, post finale kick, which is depressing but a great way to exercise the speculative writing chops. There are SO many possibilities for how these guys end up after Austin and it's way too much fun to explore.



ivy_b September 14 2014, 15:36:20 UTC
I kinda love that Connor became just like his father in the end, even down to burning Jasper. Loved the little moment between the three and I hope to God that Charlie chose to marry Connor as a strategic move, but it's still a bit on the non-con scale (I hope Charlie ends up killing him in his sleep and freeing everyone).


carlier36 September 14 2014, 16:36:24 UTC
Ha! Now that sounds like charlie. There is definitely a creepy factor in this fic, more so than most of mine. Connor's willingness to betray people is just so destructive - I don't think he remotely has Bass' charisma or even Miles' strategy but it would be interesting to see a new Monroe republic that doesn't rely on even those tiny vestiges of civilization.


ivy_b September 14 2014, 16:52:47 UTC
Oh I'm ok with Connor being creepy, just as long as in my mind Charlie turned things around and got the upper hand. Connor is such a blank slate for me, I don't think I'd even know how to write him, the writers didn't even bother with developing him as a character or giving him strong personality traits. But yeah, Connor without Bass' charm or Miles' 'strategy' no tunnel digging then would be an interesting dictator to see. Would definitely make people miss the old Monroe Republic days.


carlier36 September 14 2014, 17:13:46 UTC
He's just so dull. *headdesk* I'm so bored by him in like 98% of possible contexts. The only time I even remember he exists is for things like this haha. Then again, I also forget about pretty much everyone but the main four of them so that might be more of a comment on me than a comment on him....


ivy_b September 14 2014, 17:58:22 UTC
It's not so much that he's boring, it's that he has no character. I could write for Danny, Jason and Nora, who I never found that interesting and I can write for Aaron, who I kinda hate, but Connor? I can't figure him out at all, that's when I even remember he exists.


carlier36 September 14 2014, 18:31:15 UTC
Me neither. He's very much a conveniently disloyal character - someone just there to shake things up but with no real development of his own.


mustbethursday3 September 22 2014, 22:32:30 UTC
Added :)


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