Party Post: Happy 1st Birthday NBC_Rev (and may you have many more)

Oct 15, 2013 23:35

On October 16th 2012 this Community was born. It was during the first ever hiatus, between episode 5 and 6 of Season One - a whole extra week lay before me - and failing to convince my family to watch this show, I turned to the internets...and you guys all fell out of the sky like little pieces of awesome.

Mercy was first, a whole five hours after I'd made my first proper post here and for better or worse I'd discovered someone like me, better even. And every new person from there on has made this place a little better, a little more shiny, and a hell of a lot louder.

So happy Community Birthday everyone :D

Now, mercscilla and I are going to post our own Community gifts (it's a birthday party, people. You have to have presents) in the comments, so feel free to do the same. It can be anything Revolution related - be that gif, icon, meme, wallpaper, quiz, riddle, random flaily squee, vid, fic, fanmix, wanna share it, we wanna see it. (But warn for *SPOILERS*)

It should be new/never posted.

(You should consider this the 'Stuff I want to write/say/share' post)

Lastly, this is a party post to commemorate a year of squee, so it ends when you stop commenting :)

(misc): party post, !season: two, !season: one, (misc): birthday

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