making a point that doesn't matter

Oct 04, 2004 09:03

people constantly argue over the same ongoing topics. examples may range from animal cruelty, death penalty, gay marriages, and equality among sexual gender. people over our time believe they have the answer. as for me animal cruelty should not be tolerated. we should not overlook the fact that animals have emotional feelings, and do feel pain. why should an animal be forced to eat furniture polish, or a-jax?? the way we should prevent animal testing is simple. for every person that should be on the death penalty, simply test products on them. i would much rather see them suffer than a harmless animal. gay marriages, should we even ask?? by outlawing the right to blissfully marry an individual with complete good intentions, takes away our rights. WHERE IS OUR FREEDOM IN LOVE? and as for girls being equal to men... do we even need to still make this clear? for every sexist man that wants to lower a womans capability to be equal to them, good luck in life. i guess my point in this overly informative entry is we dont know the answers. everyone creates this little disease in our mind making us feel like we are always right. and for everyone that says they are centered in life or close to god. better yourself as a person and reach out to animals. if you think it is too hard, or it's something you like too much... should you really hold onto something that you care for more than life?
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