Nov 06, 2007 11:28

ok, so I love jesus, this is true. I also love christmas when its december,cold and time for it! Today I heard a christmas song on the radio, christmas tree stores setting up and christmas commericals on tv. Is there some rule now about the monday after halloween that we all start celebrating christmas? All I know is that it really isnt about jesus and his gift but its about making money and capitalism and greed. All things that I dont think jesus would want to have any part in. He attacked the temple for a reason and the mockary that christmas is becoming each and every year is more and more greed filled and disgusting. People think im weird when I put up halloween decorations at the end of september but no one thinks its weird that christmas decorations are in walmart and hallmark in july???

I know its not just america, but its sickening. Its making one of my favorites times of year into a parade of glitter and greed. I dont want my memories of christmas to be ruined and I dont want my traditions to be gone either. I just want us to stop exploiting the time of year when we give eachother gifts because we love eachother. I sick of wanting and needing and I love giving but Im sick of everyone else wanting and needing too.

I just wish for a simpler christmas this year where the best gift is being with friends and family and yes, celebrating christs life ( although he was not born in december) and maybe even having some winter solstice fun as well.

For this I pray.
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