It's like prohibition in my life.

Jul 11, 2010 02:08

Okay, so I might be moving back to MN.

The grandparents and I just keep butting heads on the same old issues. They keep treating me like a child, and I'm all like, "I'm an adult, please treat me like one."

Case in point: today, we were at Barnes and Noble, and I meet this guy in the history section. We start talking books, and he's... y'know, coming onto me in a subtle way. And we're chatting and the grandparents come over to check on me, and the grandfather totally just shuts down. You can feel the temperature drop, and he pretty much does everything he can to hurry us out of the store. And then afterwards, in the car, he's being stern and silence and suddenly he busts out with, "If that boy calls you, don't go out with him." And I'm like, "...What? Grandpa, seriously?"

It's like, dude. I'm a big girl. If I want to date some guy, I will. And admittedly I don't want to date some guy--or any guy--at this point, but I'm 24, for chrissakes. If I want to date or not, it's my choice. And it wasn't just today, either; we've been going round and round on the same problems, over and over, and I've only just been realising that it's because the grandparents still see me as a child, and I'm not. I've lived on my own before--lived on my own abroad, for that matter--and I'm fully capable of being an adult and making my own damn choices.

Also, I've been having some issues lately with being constantly tired. Like, I'll wake up after sleeping for 9 hours, and then an hour after waking up I'm tired again. It's been getting increasingly more difficult to haul myself out of bed in the morning, and I'm listless all day. I was all, "wtf is wrong with me?" And then I talked to my mum and she's like, "Y'know, you're probably depressed." She's probably right. I am kind of depressed. It's a better explanation for the constant fatigue than allergies, especially since there are no other symptoms.

So, taking all this into account, my grandmother and I had a talk and decided that I'd probably move home in mid-August. We agreed that we're not making a good job of living together, but that it doesn't mean we don't love each other, and that I'd be a lot happier in MN with my friends and my mum and a climate that doesn't want to bake me alive as much. So I'll probably be moving back north... unless there's an awesome job offer than comes through next week that pays me really good money. In that case I'll suffer along for a little while longer until I can get my own apartment. But since that's not so likely, I'm probably moving back home.

And I'm kinda glad. I love my grandparents, but I'll probably love them a lot more when we're not living together and we stop pissing each other off. I probably do a lot of things that bug them, and God knows they bug me too. It was a noble experiment (like prohibition), but it wasn't meant to be (like prohibition), and I might as well try to find a job in MN. I'm having no luck in TX, so maybe things will be better in MN, and at least I'll be happier while I'm there. Because right now? I'm totally not happy.

Of course, things can only improve from here.
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