May 29, 2010 01:47
I think my snake disapproves of books. I was letting her crawl around on my bookshelves and she pooped on my books. Again. This is the second time. I think there's some kind of commentary going on--she waits until she's on the books, and then just poos. Seriously Nagini, wtf? If you don't like books, I think we might be over.
I am in dire straits. I have a choice to make. I've decided I'm not social enough to be a high school teacher in Texas (I'm becoming reclusive in my old age). So I'm either going to try for grad school again, this time for my MA in Library Science and go be a librarian, or I'm going to go off to Georgia and try to teach English again. And this would be Georgia the country, not Georgia the state. I don't know what I want to do. Both are good choices, both have their high points, and both would ideally get me the hell out of Texas because I really don't like it here.
Georgia would be cool because it's a neat area of the world with a nice climate and the program I'd be going through would pay for my ticket over and they'd fly me home for a month over Christmas. The bad side is that I have no idea what language they speak there, they'd only pay about $300 per month, and I'd have to live with a host family. I'm sure the Georgians are nice people, but I prefer my own space. A lot of my own space. Plus, it's more teaching, and I'm getting really unsure if that's what I really want to do with myself.
Library Science would be cool because I love books and I love libraries and I think I'd make a pretty awesome librarian since I'm passionate about reading and books and it doesn't require as much... y'know, people-contact as teaching. Like I know there's a lot of helping people and working with people, but it's not as relentlessly constant as it would be with teaching. The downside of this is that I was just rejected wholesale by seven grad schools and I'd be putting myself out there again, shelling out a bunch of money to have schools reject me.
Theoretically, I could do both of these things: I could go to Georgia for a year, apply for grad school while I'm over there, and then either stay another year or come home depending. There's also a couple programs I've heard of wherein I do my MA program online. Then I could really have my cake and eat it too, depending on the kind of internet that's over in Georgia.
Of course, I have no idea how I'd go about paying for my grad school stuff, seeing as I'm dirt bloody poor at the moment.
Either way, the choice is hard because both are good choices that would leave me happy and fulfilled, albeit in different ways. Grad school offers more long term success and financial stability, but Georgia would be awesome all around and probably provide better memories when I'm old.
I'm really unsure at the moment. Thankfully, I still have some more time to research and make a more educated decision. What would you guys do?