Feb 13, 2008 14:57
I'm fairly certain that I am only capable of meeting "teh crazie womenz" here in New York and long to go home. Of the States that I have visited (most if not all of the south east, parts of the north east, and as far west as California) I have liked New York and its denizens the least.
Don't get me wrong. I have a few very close and valuable friends here who happen to currently share a dorm suite with me but they are the exception. If it wasn't for the fencing team of which I am currently captain and a competitive saber fencer I would care about far, far fewer people here.
When it comes to States with massive costs of living and sometimes crazy, obscure laws that seem silly compared to our relaxed living back in the South I think New York has to win for the one I like least. California is another of these liberal beasts and while they have this strange fear of ferrets I think I could tolerate it far better. I certainly enjoyed the company of the people more.
Ironically, the people I am closest to here in New York are all Asians from Flushing, Queens (really no surprise if you're familiar with Long Island and NYC) and, in particular, Korean (which partly explains the gaming obsession). The shared hobbies of gaming primarily with small doses of anime and other shows keeps things interesting. It also helps that my roommate and closest (first, in fact) friend is in the same economic bracket as Justin and myself and so shares many of our philosophies on economics and how to have a good time. Both he and a mutual friend came down to Tennessee during winter break and a great time was had by all.
Other than the noted individuals I have had poor success in meeting women of a similar caliber here. It's not worth rehashing them in any detail. Likely most are mentioned elsewhere in this journal. The most recent of which I have to say finally falls too far from what I'm looking for. In fairness I don't feel like ranting from my biased point of view about specific people right now as I am truly unsure if I'm angry or just disappointed. It is clear enough that my brother and best friend agree she is unsuitable (to be quite modest about their rather intense opinion).
It is still a shame, though.
I'll try to keep AIM on more often for awhile and see what comes of it. NazerakPP as usual friends.