
Feb 26, 2007 12:29

Tired in more than one way for sure. I haven't been getting to sleep at a reasonable hour lately. I've been staying up far too late and for too little benefit. It might be insomnia but I doubt it. Once I actually lie down in bed it's quite easy to sleep, especially after reading a chapter of a good book.

I find that unlike the beginning of the semester where I was going to class to actually learn something, I would rather go to class and survive the day instead. Just slide past and not get noticed too much so I don't have to speak up as much. It's an okay strategy in most of my classes, but I'm not doing half as well in Japanese language this semester as I did the first semester. My quizes are hit and miss depending on how well I studied and the chapter tests have been awful. I have a midterm today in that class, so we'll see if somehow I can avoid botching an important part of my grade. Unlikely as I would have had to have seriously learned the material from the tests that I didn't do well on in the interim up to this midterm, but I don't feel like I have.

I could've studied a lot yesterday. I could've gone to bed early, woken up, and studied this morning. I did neither. I stayed up late and talked with people but for no good reason and I was too tired to wake up when I said I was going to in order to study.

I waited several days hoping that some good news would come up that I could post on LJ instead of having this series of negative things. Alas, nothing worked out the way I had hoped.

I guess the only good thing is that while I haven't been as diligent in attending all fencing practices, I have gotten in two solid practices last week. Each day was hours of practice with another decent sabre fencer so I feel that I've improved because of those sessions. That'll help when I go to the national tournament in two weeks. Next weekend I'm helping drive the women's team to Massachusettes for a women's only tournament. It should be fun even if nothing comes out of it for me personally. Only downside might be that it'll make getting one particular Computer Science project harder to complete by Monday. I'm already behind on the last one.

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