Ultimate Purity Test 2.0 Score Is... Your Score:Average For All UsersAverage For All Bisexual Married Pink-Skinned 22 to 28-Year old Males
(11 total) Dating7.69%33.28%11.19%Gone steady Self-Lovin'6.06%61.73%24.65%I wouldn't shake hands, if I were you Shamelessness9.68%78.07%47.36%For Christ's sake, put your clothes on! Sex Drive7.14%76.14%39.18%Humps fire hydrants when nobody's looking Straightness0%40.63%3.2%Knows the other body type like a map Gayness0%79.6%47.31%Makes Dr. Frank-n-Furter look tame Dominant3.33%87.57%48.48%Master of everyone's domain Submissive7.94%87.98%59.74%Feels uncomfortable without manacles on Fucking Sick10.2%90.41%58.81%The pets are nervous Total Score6.27%74.58%41.38%
Take The Ultimate Purity Test 2.0
and see how you match up! (By
The Ferrett)