Just another update on some of the things I have been doing over the past week and some things that I have been thinking about. The title is a quote that I heard from a little girl at Hesleden Primary school last Friday. Oh yeah and me friend Jessi Brewster is coming to visit me on Friday to next Saturday. I am totally Stoked! Well I know everyone is waiting with baited breath at the next big adventure I have and theological thought I will present. J haha Yeah I know, I’m only joking anyway, but here is what I have been up to.
I went to a friendship night on Monday and had an interesting time. I felt like I was in a bloody time warp. The average age in there had to have been near 70. Being that it has been 60 years since the end of WWII, we sang old war songs, which I didn’t know, and some of the people shared their experiences of the war. The majority of them where in their youthful years at the time and talked about finding pieces of planes, rations, and other related topics. It was interesting, but at the same time a little sad. I wish that there could have been more young people in there to hear some of that first hand. We also got free fish and chips from the Bradley’s. It was tasty and a very English thing to do. After dinner we had a game, which my table won! I got a Mar’s bar for winning. It was a good time, but it brought me back to the question I had talked about earlier on in me year, “How can you encourage a group of older people to reach out to a community of need?”
I have also been getting some positive comments about the article I wrote. It didn’t create that much of a stir that I know of. I do know that some people had complained about the fact that I had said that they were afraid of young people, but to be honest I think they are living in denial if they think otherwise. I have gotten a few other complaints about some stuff I have done… Indirectly mind, but non-the less complains. I’m a little sore about some of them, but I leave it up to God to take care of it and hopefully change the attitudes and heart of these good people into what He wants them to be. I would just ask if you could say a prayer about these people in particular, but about other people who have lost sight of Christ through jealousy, bickering, gossip, or anything else the Devil uses to separate us from our Saviour.
Passion is something I have been thinking a lot about lately as well. Passion for justice, peace, equality, love, and most importantly Christ’s Love. I feel as thou I have all this passion to do what God is calling me to do, but am stopped by those that look to the negative. I don’t know how to tell them to stop and get it through their heads nicely. I am the last person in the world who wants to confront people on an issue unless it becomes absolutely necessary. Though I have to say that lately I just want to yell at all these people and make them see what they are doing through my eyes and hopefully do something about it. I know these people were once faithfully God’s will. As of late thou I really wonder if they are still doing that. God doesn’t call us to live a comfortable life were we only worry about ourselves. He calls us all to love one another and do what we know the Lord would have us do. I really pray for this area, because I know there is so much potential, even in the older people here. God Bless them and Take care of them.
l8er m8’s
David De Block
P.S. If you think that what I am doing and learning here in Blackhall Rocks, England is ubber cool check out this website to see if you are qualified to become a YAGM just like me!