
Sep 24, 2009 17:21

It's too goddamn hot.
I'm too goddamn tired.
I don't sleep enough.
I don't eat enough--there's no actual food TO eat, just this greasy garbage they dish out and try to pass off for food.
I'm incredibly stressed out and frustrated.

Every goddamn thing is due in a week. My third History paper, a pointallism assignment that will take forfuckingever (but he hasn't given us the assignment yet, so I can't even finish it ahead of time), my first math exam, AND the study abroad application.

And my goddamn college is trying its damnest to fuck everything up for me.
It won't accept my 5 on the Spanish AP test for any credit, so I'll have to take 28 fucking credits while I'm in Spain--if I ever get there. Twenty-eight SPANISH credits alone. Which means they can only be in the courses my college has approved. I can't take a single education class because it won't transfer for anything.
They don't run the study abroad thing in Spain anyway; the college offers it through another program. Which means after I finish this application, if they approve me, I get to do a whole other application! HOORAY. It also means my college is being a whiny bitch and making me tell them why I don't want to choose their other year-long program in Ecuador. Oh, I dunno, maybe because I heard it was terribly run and not worth the time/money? How am I going to say that at my interview? Also, the program offers a single-semester option, but for some reason, my college won't let us take that option. WHY???? I'm barely sure I can afford a year in Spain.

I'll likely end up spending a whole extra year here to finish up my education major.

It's so fucking annoying, though, how they advertise so much about how they really want everyone to go abroad, how they have a high percentage of outgoing foreign exchange students, and then they decide to make it incredibly difficult to do so!! They say they especially encourage students who major in education to go abroad--but by abroad, I guess they mean only to Hawai'i or Puerto Rico for a Jan-term. So foreign, right? Such an exotic locale and so much time to immerse oneself in the culture, amirite?

I WANT TO MAJOR IN SPANISH. I WANT TO GO TO SPAIN. These two things work together because I have to spend a year abroad to major in Spanish. But apparently, it doesn't work if I want to major in anything else.

It's dumb that I have to prove why I prefer Spain over Ecuador. I bet none of the Spanish minors have to proof why they prefer Costa Rica over Mexico or vice versa.

I'm almost losing the will to even fucking apply because it feels like I'm jumping through an endless line-up of hoops.
College application, acceptance?, interview, acceptance?, program application...
It's bullshit. Just look at my credentials, find out that I'm a dedicated student, very interested in Spanish, and that I want to go to Spain.

I'm so fried. They say if the heat's too much, get out of the kitchen. Only in the kitchen I'm in, someone forgot to put in doors.

I'm so hungry.
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