Feb 09, 2008 20:56
Yay! I am happy!
So on Friday my new laptop came in... and about 10 minutes later, the Melinda got there, too! Definitely made my day. After going to walmart we headed home and it was just a fun time. I've missed that girl a lot! Its a shame she isn't going to wesley college anymore, we'd probably be able to spend a lot more time with her if that was the case.
So, on to my laptop. I love it! 17" Toshiba Satellite... This thing is sweet. It has 2 gigs of ram, 250 gb hard drive, Nvidia 8700 X10 graphics card (next generation, only available on windows with up to 700 something turbo cache memory) Intel Core 2 Duo processer, and Windows Vista... So, all in all, I am LOVING it!
I'm waiting on a guy to get back to me about a hard drive that I'm going to buy to replace the one in the Vaio for Danielle. She's buying it from me for 200$ (which, the hard drive is $70, so I'm actually only getting $130, but thats okay! Its still something!)
I'm off to install World of Warcraft and Hellgate london! Later kids!