Jul 02, 2006 15:42
so...i've had classes here and stuff. all day pretty much. by the time i get out i don't even want to explore anymore.
brittany and georgia are still my favorite people. georgia always leaves and sleeps at her boyfriends apartment, so brittany stays in my room most of the time.
this weekend was ok. on friday i received an email from my writing teacher, regina something, asking if i spoke another language besides english???
that sorta offended me. actually, it really bothered me more than anything. it made me feel like she asked that because my writing was shitty or something. in actuality she had asked for only a brainstorm, so what the fuck.
fucking bitch.
anyway, i was pissed off and had brittany look at the email. of course her defensive nature combined with mine made me furious.
she totally agreed with me, which is exactly what i wanted, though it embittered me for the following 2 hours.
anyway, so i emailed her back and she has yet to respond.
i probably should've worked on that assignment, but instead i opted to hitch a ride over to issaquah with sean mcgarvey's best friend, derek moony. sean mcgarvey is another favorite of the program. he lives in the washington hills which are covered with pine trees and they all claim it's not expensive to live in the hills. obviously, they don't really know.
the point is that sean's house was totally rad. he has a koi pond that puts mine to shame. total shame. i took pictures if you find this hard to believe. just kidding.
anyway, everyone got drunk or whatever except for me and brittany. then we just slept there and came home sunday morning and went to the beach with the rest of the people in the program. it's weird.
the puget sound is composed of glacier water and the sand is really dirty.
my feet went numb after 2 seconds of standing in the water. the weird thing about it is that in the distance all you can see are mountain ranges covered in snow. it's almost surreal.
then i decided to buy some coke and forgot about that and was just concentrating on spotting all the dogs on the beach that i wanted to pet.
i realized i want like 20 dogs when i'm a full grown adult and fend for myself entirely.
one includes a great dane, in honor of the jones' very own duke and because i have to have at least one huge dog.
i also had african food while i was here. i have to admit i was a little hesitant, but it was actually primo kinda eating.
lets see...what else?
last night georgia, brittany and i went to a vegan thai restaurant because everyone else we ventured out with went to get tacos. which is so shitty because everyone we ventured out with has tacos everyday.
shakira, who is really cool by the way, had a few bites and was the most adventurous with the thai food. everyone else was uninterested. whatev. more for me.
after that we took a metro downtown and walked around for like 2 hours until we stumbled upon cyberdogs, which i didn't want to enter because i hate hot dogs.
i went in anyway because they had chai tea. as soon as i walked in i realized it was a vegan hot dog joint and they had all kinds of cookies and chocolate, which i totally bought because late night snacks for me are a no-no here. all that is available is crap from the vending machine.
the girl who worked at the counter was really rad. we talked about gogol bordello and murder city devils. i told her they were playing up here on the 29th or whatever, the show i can't attend because i leave that morning. then she played operation ivy for me because i saw the CD and haven't heard operation ivy in over 5 years.
then we walked to the u village blockbuster and william ford rented three movies, one suggested by cyber dogs girl. we got back to the dorm lounge, hooked up the dvd player...only for everyone to vote on the uncut version of old school.
i watched it anyway and fell asleep really late and woke up just a few hours ago, so i missed the trip to greenlake. i have too much work though, so it's a blessing in disguise. that's all for now.