Summertime...when the livin's easy

Aug 07, 2004 11:36

Things have been REALLY REALLY great lately. last night i sat around with nick and mumbles playing cards and eating munchkins. I had to go to three dunkin donuts before i found one that had chocolate munchkins at 10pm =)
Tonight i got suckered into babysitting so i cant go to amandas party but thats ok cuz i will see her tomorrow! =)
After i babysitt i am getting a new phone and sleeping at nicks to try to go to Epping tomorrow hopefully we can go but mumbles has been feeling kinda sick =(
speaking of sick let me tell you. well nick was sick and throwing up sunday night =( i felt so bad for him and then after i went home i had the stomach flu ALL night i got like 20 minutes of sleep i was pissed....then i started painting the bathroom at nicks for them on monday and started getting a scratchy throat but i felt fine otherwise. tuesday it was so bad i couldnt swallow i couldnt talk hardly at i went to the doctors and found out that i had strep throat. so now i am on that is 3 nigh ts i havent slept uggh...but now i am ok
i cant wait to get my new phone...and i guess school will be ok when it starts...but i will miss all the time i spent with nick this summer...i know i will still see him but i know it wont be nearly as much...but at least cheering is only two days a week so i will have A LOT less stress considering no thursday practice meaning no rushing out of work!!! YES!!! can i even tell you how excited i am?!?!?
cheering tryouts are the 16th and 17th, i just have to judge cuz i am a captain...and then the first practice is tuesday the 24th...i am pretty excited!!
school starts the 2nd but i go in the 1st for a little while to show around the new frosh...i am KIND of happy for school to start...but like i said i will miss this summer and i will miss nick
im gonna look back on new york, hampton and everything else that was fun that happened and i am going to miss this summer....this summer ruled and thank you to all my friends who made it rule so much!!!!!
Nicholas I love you soooooo much!
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