Dec 23, 2005 21:15
Great Night
We beat Whitehall and every team beat them execpt for jv bball, way to go.After that we all sardined in Schultz bravda?lol me shelby huck josh jerbear scrave and lauren all crammed in the car.Then went over ta Scrav*s stayed the night there w/ huck josh scrav shelby n tots!I definetly dont have the same feelings as i did about a certain someone. He's a little too weird? who eats frogs anyways...fuckin sick lol.That ship has sailed. Any who.We were all pretty tired until me n VK sumo wrestled and shelby started a water fight.We never really went to bed.I pretty much love scraver to f-ing death tho. Today i went over to Shelbys then VK and Sauce came over and we went to see The Ringer.Funny ass movie right there, now im just babysitting and Christmas is in 2 days!!! : ) Christmas break is going amazingly! and the best part is, it is just getting started.!!!!!!!
<3 naomi