
Apr 17, 2005 02:41

I am very execited about MSI tomorrow. I hope I get up early enough to go buy hair dye and stuff before we go. I have not updated in a while. About a month to be exact since I was complaing about my period in my last entry and find myself on it again. Just in time for MSI. Oh well at least I was lucky enough not to be on it for MCChris or KMFDM or the NIN relese party. Which by the way has anyone got their vinyls because I did not get mine and neither did Bri. I feel lied to and am getting worried about it because of all the bullshit 89x put us through with makeing us go see the other stupid bands when we were waiting out front all day!!!! Oh and lets not forget that stupid bitch that almost kicked me out for drinking and me saving drunken marks life and draging him out of his own puke. I love being the party nurse it give such great conversation. Any way I hope things go well tomorrow It should prove to be lots of fun. I haven't seen MSI before and also have never been to clutch cargos. In a way I am glad that Bri is not going because he always finds a way to dampen the evening. I wish he would grow up and quit being such a douch bag. I love him but he kills me and has been making me miserable. I try to pretend to be happy because sometimes it seems to put him in a better mood but how long can I pretend? And why am I always being fake to myself in order to make him feel better when he never cares how I feel until he says one of his ultra shitty comments and really upsets me. He may think he is sorry but then he does it all over again. I don't understand. Anyway I will stop babbling about the juice bag. Julie sent in my tax stuff and I should get money soon! Yay!!!!!!!! I am going to buy some MCChris stuff, I cant wait!!!Damn its 3 and Mishi is not here!! she needs to hurry lots to discuss about tomarrow .
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