Mar 09, 2005 21:39
Well some OBNOXIOUSLY aweful things have been occuring, and they just wont stop.
First off... as most of you know my mom quit the school! now the lines are like 20 bazillion miles long. UGH! well shes far more happy than she was while she was working there so i guess its ok. Plus she just got promoted at cvs, so now shes the manager of the photo lab! woot woot meames!!
Second... I was wresting with my brother... yeah and as most of you people know, i got a concusion. Well i must say recovering from that b.s. SUCKS! Im still having problems. and i definitely still have the headaches. but im gettin there! THANK GOD!
Third...well, third is in the making... im waiting for my brother to tell my dad about something that happened. Im not gonna spill what it is now b/c dave could get mad at me! Ill keep you updated on that one!! haha!
On a lighter note. SOFTBALL SEASON STARTS SOON! ---------> YAY TO LIKE THE 8 POWER!!!