Mar 10, 2005 04:55
jessica (my cousin) has been sick for the past few days. she's been out of school and just chilling here. i think she has the flu, if not its something big because the first day she had it she was throwing up and the past two days all she's done is lay on the couch and watch tv/sleep. i haven't showed any signs of getting sick even though the tv is generally where i spend most of my time when i have off. tonight jeanine (my aunt) was sitting down here with her and they were both wrapped up in blankets. i didn't think too much about it because they usually do that when they watch tv. anyway, when i came home from karate i took a shower. on my way back upstairs i noticed that jessica had gone to her room but jeanine was still down here. i couldn't tell if her eyes were open or shut but i thought they were open so i asked her if she was getting sick to. she laid there for a while so i thought that she was asleep but when i passed her on my way upstairs she said "we've all got the plague." i don't know if jerry and josh have caught it as well but i figured i should stay out of anyones way. my immune system is pretty strong for the most part and if i'm going to catch something i have to be around it for a week at least. i went on about my business and went to bed around 1. i recently woke up feeling kind of off. i always get this feeling in my throat right before i get sick. its not scratchy or sore but its just like a warning saying "hey somethings not right." i got up and rinsed my mouth out with alcohol (vodka not isopro.), took a multivitamin, and got some cranberry juice to drink. also, i sprayed everything down her with lysol just to be safe. i'm not feeling gamey anymore but i'm going to be careful none the less.
its gonna get suck if i get sick and can't work. i'm in the home streach now and i'm trying to save up some money before i go back to richmond. granted i'll get a job there but i probably won't make as much. there used to be a time when i was a kid that i wouldn't mind getting sick, especially if you had a teacher that didn't care about you making up work. i can remember being so sick one time in fourth or fifth grade that i was throwing up and i couldn't close my eyes because it felt like i was on a bungie cord that kept going up and down and i was still like "at least i don't have to go to school." we'll see though, i'll know for sure when i wake up again to go to work.
aside from that i finally bought fable today. wal-mart had finally dropped the price down from fifty dollars to thrity. as much as i loved that game i wasn't going to pay full price for it since i had already beaten it once. aaron had told me that they were doing pre-orders for jade empire and that game looks more awesome with every screenshot that comes out so i looked for a tag or something for them to ring up. when i couldn't find one i asked the lady who got fable for me. what follows is a short transcription of our conversation.
me: "are you all doing pre-orders for jade empire"
her: "what is that like an xbox game"
me: "yeah"
her: "hmmm i don't know let me call lafwanduh" lafwanduh wasn't the ladys real name but i can't remember what it actually was. from what i gathered she was the leader of the fat women working that day in the electronics department.
*lady pages lafwanduh and we wait for a short while*
her: "where did you hear we were doing pre-orders"
me: "on the demo tv's"
*she pages lafwanduh again and we wait again only this time lafwanduh shows up*
lafwanduh: "what"
her: "hey are we doing those um...pre-sales for jade empire"
lafwanduh: "what is that?"
her: "you know, its like those little cards we get sometimes where its like five bucks to reserve a game."
lafwanduh: "oh yeah we got some of those" she motions to me "come on"
*i followed lafwanduh around the video games to where there was a small display with some pre-sale cards on it*
lafwanduh: she hands me a doom 3 card "here you go"
me: "thanks"
*lafwanduh walks away and i switch the doom card for the jade empire one and then walk up to the register*
me: to two other fat women in the heard "hey i'd like to pay for this."
fat womens: while barely glancing at me "i don't know how to do that" "you have to take that over to lafwanduh"
*i took the card over to lafwanduh who had mounted herself behind a register and after 2 or 3 tries she finally rang it up*
me: "thank you"
lafwanduh: "mmhm"
while it was pretty funny, possibly more than it should be because these women were lard asses, it was still annoying in a sense. i didn't go out and start beating up old ladies but i thought that these people should at least know how to do their job. i don't expect everyone to like video games, i don't even expect most people to know anything about video games, but in any job you should at least know the basics of it and be able to deal with people. i'm sure all of these women have awesome lives filled with action and adventure outside of wal-mart where they would much rather be but, from 10 to 4 or whenever your pathetic shift is you should do your job. if you don't like it quit but don't act like i'm some major burden because you all don't put the video game cards out with the video games.