Ugh... Time is moving way too fast here in Alabama. I thought I'd have a lot more time for everything I want to do, now that I'm working 20-30 hours less a week. But, for some strange reason, I seem to have less time.
It's like there's been a rip in the fabric of space and time and life is just escaping away from me.
At any rate, I went to my Aunt & Uncle's farm in Tennessee this weekend and had a nice time playing with the animals. I did have a completely awkward and unpleasant discussion with someone that had come to their house to drop off firewood. I started this entry with the intention of telling you guys about it, but now I find I don't have the energy. Maybe soon.
Instead I'd like to ask, how are you all doing? I hope you are well!
Here's a picture of some adorable mini-donkeys at my Aunt's farm :)