
Jan 25, 2013 07:44

Overslept my alarm this morning, by a good hour and twenty minutes. I guess the lack of sleep my nerves have caused me is finally catching up with me. Of course it had to happen on a day that I'm leaving early ANYWAY, so now Ill have to use even more PTO than I'd wanted.. subtracting from that final paycheck next week, dangit. Oh well, I worked extra yesterday and Wednesday at my other job, so it'll balance out.

Sleep is such a finicky bedfellow. isn't it?

Sleep and I used to be best friends, these days we're best "Frenemies" (god I hate that word). I love sleep, but it often eludes me when I need it, and smothers me when I don't want it.

Um.. so I got distracted in the middle of this, forgot I was writing it, and now I have really no idea where I was going with it.. so.. uh.. I'll just... OH LOOK A PUPPY! *runs off*

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