turns out Zena really is sick... I mean to a human her sickness wouldn't be TOO big of a deal.. but to an animal...
Got the news today she has diabetes, and some complications along with it. She's my foster cat from TVAR, but I've had her for a year and she's the most affectionate cuddly sweet cat you could ask for.
TVAR can't pay for all the medicine, perscription food, needles, and insulin she'd need. And.. the doctor said she's just going to get more sick. I cant pay for all the supplies, special food, and medicine she'd need. NOR do I have the time to monitor her food, her urine output, and her blood sugar.
So.. On Saturday I have to take her to the vet.. and put her down....
Im gonna miss you big mama.. sorry I couldn't do more for you.. I'm sorry I'm too poor and busy to take care of you.. I wish I could have found a good home for you.. You shouldn't have to die because Im broke...
I know you wont be gone till saturday... but I miss you already...