Mar 02, 2006 10:57
Last year I went to this Christmas drinks thing where I told 2 brokers that I did pole dancing. Ok, I admit I was pretty drunk at the time, but hell, so where they and they thought it very very amusing.
I got an email from one of them a few weeks ago, to find more about Pole Dancing! They've looked around the central coast, but there's nothing that suits them, now they want to come and do it up here with me!!!
One of them told me today, and asked me if I'd done it lately. I said no 'because most of us are uni students or don't have a lot of money, and it was summer, and we looked at it this way. $25 for a Pole class, or $25 to get drunk with.' She just pisssssssssed herself laughing!!
I told her though if they want to give it a red hot go, I'd come to a beginners class with them. It's not as if they're that fit or flexable or anything.
Dear god, Pole Dancing with customers? Do you think I could put it on the work credit card? :P This is gonna be interesting if anything comes of it....
pole dancing