Jan 01, 2000 11:00

Okay everybody. Something really opened my eyes today. I've had this idea lingering around my head for a while, and now I really think I need to do something about it. I'm absolutely determined.

When I was at CCY, there was a rape-prevention hotline number scribbled on the inside of a bathroom stall, and under it it said "Be Aware, Take Care," and I thought that was a really good way of looking at helping people.

I want to start a program based around this phrase. I want it to be widespread, and I want it to work. I've had too many friends who have told me that they've been raped or that they're having suicidal thoughts or have known someone who has commited suicide to just let this slip away.

It's going to be about Suicide, Rape, Violence, and Abuse Prevention.

But what I'm really trying to prevent is neglect. Too many poeple are victims of violence/abuse/rape/suicide out of pure neglect. It doesn't seem right, does it?

I know there are other programs in the country/world that do these kind of things, but they don't seem to be helping enough.

We need to open people's eyes.

This is going to take a lot of work, but I know it's worth it. I just know it.

Kailey's already on my side with this, who else wants to join in? Remember, I'm serious about this, this isn't going to be a cute little sideshow, so if you're up to it, please please please help. We need to.

Kailey and I will be starting a club at school, I'm trying to put together an assembly, and I'll be starting a LiveJournal community for it. It's going to be called The Human Project, and I know that we can do it, so let's go. Let's make this world the best we possibly can.

Who's with me?

UPDATE: lj community is thehumanproject

(hah, accidentally deleted this post your comments were erased... ^.^;;; sorry
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