NaNoWriMo Progress!
Day Seven
13885 / 50000 words. 28% done!
Finished up one crime scene and moved onto the next. I kind of wish I could finish up on chapters but so far it doesn't seem to be happening that way. So far the two characters haven't been able to do anything amazing except find a bag the police couldn't, but even then it didn't help the investigation. (Although the bag will come up later when the crimes get tied together.) The secondary main character's magic isn't working out like everyone thought it would.
Day Eight
14413 / 50000 words. 29% done!
Long story short: I was burnt out and couldn't get motivated to write. Still on the 2nd crime scene.
Real Life Update?
More like I CUT MY HAIR update. 8D
It's kind of awesome. (Apologies for the bathroom mirror pic. And the bright red spot on my face.)
my Hello Kitty hoodie that is awesome. Looks better when I stand up though. And when I don't pose stupid.
Felt bad for the poor stylist because I knew I wanted it cut but didn't know what I wanted so I kind of waffled over it for like five minutes before she could start anything. :( I need to stop doing that.