Poll PICK ONLY FOUR COOKIE TYPES Please DON'T VOTE IF YOU DON'T WANT COOKIES, as it throws off my count. If you want cookies, PLEASE VOTE. This is how I choose which cookies to make. I have many options as you can see.
The top four favored cookie types will be the ones I send, along with two types I have already decided on: my tried and true chocolate expresso cookies and either a SPECIAL cookie or poppy-seed cookie depending on how much my design skills fail. For more information on these cookies go
here and
here. Also, people mentioned disliking nuts last time so if you are not a nut-lover, comment here and I'll consider excising nuts from the cookies that contain them.
Also, comment here with your address. I will be screening. You can also comment if you just want a card. Just put in the subject either COOKIES or CARD. I will be making cookies next Friday (Dec. 17) and sending them Saturday (Dec. 18).