... Why does my father think you can use German Chocolate cake in a trifle? Now, I have only a day to come up with his birthday cake.
In other news, I HAS MONEY AGAIN. \o/ And I didn't get bitten by anything bizarre last night. Granted, I slept on a naked mattress with only a blanket on top of it and no pillow covers. But no bites!
I also fear the ending of my book is going to be a major let-down.
Anyway, I want to play Birth by Sleep (even though I have to buy the friggin' system to do so and that will have to wait until Christmas... BURN IN HELL SQUARESOFT.) But I've kinda sorta mostly lost all interest in the Xion game, possibly because I think inserted characters FAIL. The question I have is whether playing Xion's game is absolutely essential to understanding the identity/name/soul clusterfuck that is Birth by Sleep. I read the wiki so I already know spoilers. Can I enjoy BBS on its own or do I have to grit my teeth and barrel through Days?
Here, have a bear doing yoga.