Jan 25, 2010 18:43
Today on the So My Roommate is Insane, my cat got out of my room this morning before work. Now I was late and the cat was hiding so I didn't have time to fetch her. I figured my roomie could open the door and let her back in my room. Oh how wrong I was. I get a desperate phone call about an hour later featuring my roomie worried about picking up my cat and worried about the cat and the dog and, get this, asking if I can come home and put her back in my room. Note, I live an hour away from my work so that is just pure lulz. I call her back around noon because yeah I didn't care, and I find that she didn't know what else to do so she had her dog chase my cat back into my room. This is a person who used to work at a kennel. The mind just implodes. I tell her that I'm sorry the cat got out, and she goes on about how she really doesn't want the cat outside my room when I'm not there. I tell her my main concern is making sure the cat can reach its litter box; other than that, I don't mind her being outside. My roomie then insists the cat cannot be outside when I'm not home because she doesn't want to be responsible for it. This is where my buddy Graham asks whether my roomie understands we are discussing my cat and not an escaped mental patient. And I wonder why I'm losing my hair. For fuck's sake.