Stomach virus all but took me out last night. I could barely enjoy my Geass this morning.
I wish I knew who did the manip in this icon so I could properly credit them. It's awesome.
I plan for a speculation post, icon post and another episode reaction post just because I can never get my fill of discussion. For now, when it comes to speculation, I'm sticking with the magazines since I get myself too worked up over other "spoilers."
I agree with many people that 20 did not have enough Lelouch. I adore Euphemia and Suzaku in fighting mode is always a thing of beauty, but I do need a good chunk of Lelouch because them alone is not quite as gripping.
I'm not sure how Suzaku feels toward Euphemia in this episode. I know he cares about her, but either his feelings for Euphemia aren't as strong as hers for him or he's too cautious to accept it. His reaction to her confession was pretty bizarre: take me out of school i go die now. Uh I guess that's one way to respond when someone tells you "You will love me." Euphemia definitely has a touch of her brother in her there. I hear they might have some more significant interaction in 21 so maybe that will convince me Suzaku is ready to take that step. I've always found them terribly fluffy though, ever since she fell on him.
Someone on Memento questioned why Lelouch would take the Gawain to save Lancelot. Let's see, he blew his one chance to Geass Suzaku to make him survive. Could it be HE DOESN'T WANT SUZAKU TO DIE!! It's not a secret point here. Suzaku, despite how much he pisses off Zero, is still Lelouch's friend for now. That and I like Lelouch just likes saving Suzaku since he knows he'd never be able to do it any other time. It reminds me of Naruto's fantasies of saving Sasuke.
Mech fights were pretty hot in this episode, even if the opposition was hella boring and damn ugly. Where is Schneizel's army of pretty boys I keep hearing about? I'm still curious whether Suzaku was truly reawakening his Geass command after Euphemia hollered at him to live or whether it wasn't just a reflection of all the freaky lights in the place. I would think if the creators wanted to show the command was continuous, they would have done a quick few second flashback of Lelouch Geassing him.
I do feel sad for Euphemia, feeling powerless compared to her siblings. Her strange conversation with Clovis' memorial also hurt my head. "Sorry I couldn't capture the enemy. I can't save Lelouch and Nunnally either." Okayyy. It's too bad the timeslot forces the episode to move faster because I would have definitely liked to see Suzaku trying to defend himself at his court marshal, after the Geass incident. Also, the I give back my knighthood and then reclaim it 20 minutes later makes the action fairly pointless."