This week has been another good one in terms of my series. Sasuke reveals his inner bitch and goes AWOL on Orochimaru in the best way possible, complete with leaping onto Orochimaru's bed and later stripping. And Oro turns into a phallic mess of snakes. What more could I ask for? Oh that CurseLevel2!Sasuke didn't always have to be one ugly mofo. But if Sasuke kills off Orochimaru now, does that mean he'll never learn how to summons snakes to be naughty with Naruto? This is, of course, my greatest fear. I still think Kabuto will intervene. Where is that lazy bitch? I want to know how long Sasuke has been hiding this sharp-tongued backbone; it's much more arrogant and eloquent than anything he's shown us before. Maybe it's come with age. I also have to ask why Sasuke is in such a mood NOW? He get sick of not!killing for Orochimaru or something? Something tells me things aren't going to end well for my winged bitch.
Still, Sasuke's bitchitude comes second place to Lulu's gay love and failure at life in my "Which Character is Having the Best Week Ever" mental poll. As much as I adore smexy Sasuke showing us that not all is lost, I got to give the prize to the military strategist who would use his GODLY trump card to save his boyfriendthe guy who considers him Public Enemy No. 1. Congrats, Lulu. You just ascended to top ranks in my character book. You know, I'm actually considering reccing Geass to people now that its plot is moving faster and it's more than just pretty Sunrise crack, even though the animators do have some drawing issues at times.
Have these happy happenings broken me out of my slump? We'll see.
I was going through my Geass entries since I started watching back in October and it's amazing to see how much they've changed as the show continues, from pointless mockery to truly investing in the plot. I took a few sections from each entry to exemplify this point because I find it hilarious.
Oct. 6: I also want to see the new Clamp-designed anime, god help me. Not!Kamui with stupid name and Not!Syaoran with boring name amuse me with their not!flirting. That and as dumb as the characters probably are, they are still hot. Not!Kamui more than Not!Syaoran. Was there a girl is this show?
Oct. 13: I checked out Code Geass in raw. Now while I hate raws, there is one thing I love about them, I can make the story about whatever the hell I want. I got Bro to help me and let's just say it was pretty wrong. I forgot Suzaku's name early on in our game and just started calling him Syaoran or Leouch's gay friend. I know his name is Lelouch but we kept screwing that up and gave up halfway in. I don't know if I actually want to know what's going on in this series, aside from what I read on the anime blogs. Lelouch amuses me but Suzaku promises to be dull as hell and nothing more than a source of angst for Lelouch. I just like the mind-fuckery power of Lelouch. I think I might enjoy this show if I don't know what's going on.
Oct. 16: Light and Lelouch should team up to take over the world for great JUSTICE. I find this idea quite awesome. As the discussers pointed out, Light can kill people with the Note but he has to know their name first. Lelouch just needs their face. Together they fight crime! And look damn hot doing it.
Oct. 20: I think Lelouch will advance to superhero gay in the next episode. He even has a costume and everything. Seriously, what sort of guy doesn't even blush about being next to a naked girl in the shower? That is one focused guy. I expect there to be much angry UST between Lelouch and Suzaku in the next episode. And finally I understand why people call him "Lulu." It's what that retarded friend of his calls him. I must have missed that in the first few episodes. I can't wait for icons of him using his pretty eye and ignoring Karin's blatant attempts to intimidate him. I love Lelouch. And just in case you're wondering, I do use the blogs so I have some idea what's going on in this series besides Lelouch being gay.
Oct. 28: Now let's talk LuLu. The more cliched Code Gay Ass gets, the more I am amused. Someone needs to come up with a truly fabulous name for LuLu's ZERO get-up. Because ripping off Gundam names and designs is just not cool. You're only allowed to have one. I was right about LuLu upping his gay ratio to superhero level. That save of Suzaku was possibly the gayest pose I've seen in a Clamp anime, well bloodless gay pose anyway. I do wonder what Lelouch is going to do if he keeps wasting all his Geass power on these trivial things if it's true that he can only use his power once per person. I'm also curious how many more Clamp-alikes are we going to get. To date we have: not!Kamui, not!Syaoran, not!Kotori and not!Kurogane. I think we need a not!Fai. I'm not Fai's biggest fan but he's hot and I'm shallow and really that's all my love for this show is about. That and LuLu being awesome. I was most put out he did not sex up Suzaku. Most put out indeed. The Kamui/Syaoran pairing is one I've waited for all my life. *dies laughing*
Nov. 3: I'm going to start needing translations for Geass since it's actually going somewhere now, and I'm quite interested in all the characters, including Suzaku. Something about him wearing the bad ass glasses gave me a new love for him. I also find him and Euphemia (Yuffie) cute. Yuffie is very much a Lacus but she has a touch of bite to her that helps her come close to developing individuality. LuLu is proving himself to be more of a Light-clone than ever, testing his power and developing far-seeing plans. Any day now I expect him to start spouting how he is justice. They even went for the dichotomy of LuLu and Suzaku each expressing their own view of an ideal world. I was shocked to learn that C.C. was not the innocent ball of bondage she appeared to be. I think C.C. could give Karen a run for her money. But Cornelia tops them both. I like her. I even felt something for poor Jeremiah. I enjoy Viletta's devotion to him. Must think of how to make cute shades-wearing Suzaku icons. Oh yeah did I mention LuLu's obsession search for him. LuLu's a goof. I don't get why LuLu does his hand before one eye pose, but it always looks killer.
Nov. 4: Geass is wildly different with subs. LuLu is a lot more gay. I didn't think that was possible, given how much Bro and I gay him up during our watching sessions. But it's nice to actually know what Lelouch is saying when he's going on about Britannia. So Light. I want fanart. Someone needs to find me some good Japanese fanart sites. I think I'm also to the point where I've disconnected LuLu and Kamui, although I will still used not!Kamui to identify him in my icons because it amuses me. But yeah, LuLu could kick Kamui's ass, and I'd pay to see that.
Nov. 7: I've noticed mixed reactions to Geass. Some harbor unreasonable love for it, and others would pick apart said fans like starved harpies. The way I see it is that the series is Sunrise and there are things associated with that. When Geass has potential, it gains snuggles. When it has crack, it gains laughs. Why do I love it? Because it's just plain fun for me. I'm not expecting a Death Note. I'm not expecting a Gundam Seed. I'm just expecting Lelouch being hot and probably wavering when it comes to sides and morality. If I want to over-analyze and give the series depth it may not have or if I want to insert many levels of crack, that's my Net-given right. Lay off the fangirls already.
Nov. 17: Limited gay subtext this time around. Unless you count Millay, who's completely gay for Shirley. Too bad she has an arranged marriage. Also too bad that Shirley is ga-ga over LuLu. LuLu made the cutest noise ever when his father turned on him when he was a widdle princling. I guess LuLu is not the extremist I thought since he does have deep attachment to his sister. Also, C.C. looks hotter in the Zero costume than Lelouch. I'm bored of watching Britannia slaughter the Elevens. Can we have some actual fighting between the groups for once? Even watching LuLu get PWNED is something.
Nov. 18:
So I was watching GG's translation of Geass. I don't know how accurate GG is since I've heard numerous complaints so the thing I'm going to point out is probably meaningless. But it fits into my usual thought pattern so I'll go with it. I noticed when Suzaku and Yuffie are hanging out in the city, Suzaku is pouting because the stray cat they found does not like him. Suzaku jokes his love is one-sided, and Yuffie replies that kind people offer suffer from one-sided loves. Normally, I would just pass this off, but it does seem to be a trend among Geass. Shirley's love for Lelouch does not hold much possibility, nor does Millay's apparent love for Shirley. BTW, the only other possibility for Millay's crush would be Suzaku, and Millay spends more time staring at Shirley's chest. Just for the sake of argument and slashy fun, I pondered over which of the Geass boys Yuffie's comment may refer to: Suzaku or Lelouch. Nov. 26: Geass had character development for Cornelia, which impressed me. It's cliched but it's something. She wuvs her sister. That means she and LuLu have something in common. While I originally believed LuLu could manipulate this weakness for his own means, I wonder if his own familial relationships will cause him to waver. LuLu's army is so cool.
Dec. 8: Yeah yeah I'm going to work now. I need to get back and make awesome caps of sultry sex-kitten Lulu. How disturbing is it that he looks the sexiest I've ever seen him while dressed up like a cat? I think it's the eyeshadow. Millay is so the pimp. Arthur is a dumb name for a cat. I love how when Shirley tries to confess to Lulu, he's too lost in his musings about Suzaku to care. I'm going to place the boy in the asexual department for now, but there's a strong leaning toward the ghei. Suzaku is just plain dork.
Dec. 15: Today's Geass taught us that you don't fuck with Lulu. Or Kallen. They will take you down! Lulu will even smile about it. I hope that guy in question is all right though. I like him. But I am so in love with Kallen's Nightmare right now; it puts Lancelot's gay agility to shame. I wonder if the preview implies that Suzaku will soon be getting his own Geass. People say the OP hints at this, but for some reason the OP always crashes on my computer. It doesn't like all the swirly designs from the Geass. I hope Suzaku gets his own power because I want to see him clash with Lelouch and hard. I want to see it come down to a battle between the altruistic Suzaku and a power-drunk Lelouch. I also hate that stupid girl with glasses (she gets no plot development) and don't care about her torrid lesbian fantasies. For Euphie, it's either Suzaku or Cornelia. Get over it.
Dec. 22: Jeremiah! I don't even care if you're off your rocker. I'm just so glad to see you! This is one of those episodes that requires subtitles for any understanding whatsoever. Other than Kallen's jealousy, Lelouch feasting on Cornelia's discomfort and the fun nekkid time shared by the main three. Did that classify as an orgy?
Dec. 31: Watched Geass 11. I think I was too harsh to C.C. when I only saw the raw. I don't mind her having a sensitive side as long as she keeps her BITE. I'm even liking her and Lelouch now. However, I do hope the rumor that Lelouch has no intentions for love holds true. I prefer speculation. He's probably going to die anyway. Lelouch is just too bad ass for this world. ;_; People over at the Geass comm are bitching about Suzaku-hate. I have my own view on the boy, mostly because I think his methods are less interested than Lelouch's, despite being equally flawed. But his interactions with the other characters help me find new ways to appreciate him. Also anyone who can top Lulu is A+ in my book. Some of those other rumors about characters dying better be false or I shall cry and have fewer het pairings. Geass is also becoming one of the first fandoms to ever change my opinions about characters through fan interpretation alone, specifically Euphemia. Cornelia/Guilford had better watch it with their knight/princess babble or I may soon be finding a suitable replacement for my Jeremiah/Villeta love.
Jan. 4:
I remember someone on the main comm once suggested that people hate Suzaku because he can get the better of Lelouch. This is in no way the case for me since I love seeing Lelouch get his ass kicked. Some of my favorite arts are the ones where he and Suzaku are at each other's throats, something I hope to see at least once in the series. Bro wanted to know why Lulu always seems the skankahoslut in the fan arts so I had to pull out the official images to remind him that Lulu is just naturally a skankahoslut. But he's driven and slightly kooky in the head so we'll forgive him. As long as everyone remembers that this skankahoslut could probably outwit and otherwise own you. That's what I love about Lulu. By his nature, he's both vulnerable and deadly. He could easily be a godmodder but his character has limits to prevent that, making him fallible. It's something not seen too often in the mech anime. As for Suzaku, as long as he's fighting, he's good eye candy. It's different to see an altruistic character who's actually built. Even with Clamp's designs. It's one of the reasons I enjoy the Suzaku/Lelouch dynamic; it's not so easy to tell who's really in control. Is it the clever and cold Lelouch who displays a certain meekness around Suzaku? Or is the gentle Suzaku who has no shame in using his physical advantages against Lelouch? Like with the Gundam characters, regardless of who the boys may end up with, the bond between them will still be something to be reckoned with. Jan. 5: Are you kidding me? That's what all this fuss is about. All of ten seconds. Yeesh, she's his friend. I thought there'd be a little more passion to it to generate all this "let's kill her" talk. That had all the romance of a pair of sea slugs. Now I'm more worried about how they plan to handle the events of next episode. It could either be done decently or very badly.
Jan. 6:
Speaking of gay vampire wear, Suzaku of the Counterattack is a hell of a lot better than the Lelouch of the Rebellion manga. The latter is just plain ugly most of the time and only good for the humor panels. I want more "Counterattack" now. I can make icons from Counterattack. I'm still lost as to what sort of storyline either of them are following, but the added SuzaLulu stuff at the school in "Rebellion" Chapter 4 was sweet, and I wish it had been done by the "Counterattack" artist. At least it was somewhat cleaned up for that chapter. It's amusing to see Suzaku and Lelouch actually competing -- Lulu loses of course. And there's just something really emasculating about trying to see who can push themselves the highest on a kiddie swing. The Arthur stuff is also great. He's like their love-kitten awww.
Jan. 12: Geass, a few randomly inserted new scenes is not how we make a new OP and ED. If you're going to get a new song, at least pretend to give us new material to work with. Also, I want to bitch-slap Shirley not for any reason other than she was in the way and that's bad. But I can't punish her for instigating that HOT Nightmare fight. Sure, it was way one-sided, but I've wanted something like this since 11. There's my good old Sunrise. Bringing on the ANGST. I saw a few images throughout the ep that might make good icons. Also, SHOWER SCENE!
Jan. 18: I take back every bad thing I've ever said about Shirley. She can be Lulu's beard anytime she wants. She has to be the most awesome "love interest" character I've seen in Sunrise. I don't count Cagalli or Lacus because there was more to them than being the love interest. I'm talking more along the lines of Fllay or Relena. I do believe she would wipe the floor with the both of them. Now all you have to do is make Nina stop sucking, Geass, and I can safely say I enjoy all your females. Kallen grew on me when she pounced on Lancelot to stop Suzaku from kicking Zero's ass further. I guess you do know how to pick them after all, Lelouch.
Jan. 25:
Seriously, what was the point of giving a freak like Mao a chainsaw. I'm going to say right now that I have never liked Mao. His character design is sloppy and it's made worse when he does that super annoying clapping thing of his. Is it possible to give a character one action to make you really want to see them unconscious? Even Mao's child design was half-assed. I don't blame him for that and mostly hold the directors/artists/possibly CLAMP accountable. But I was hoping when I first heard about Mao that he could be someone to be a thorn in Lelouch's side. He had the potential for that when he kidnapped Shirley and beat Lelouch at his beloved chess. Yet I could tell even from 14 that Mao was being set up to be obnoxious. I feel somewhat bad for him with the inability to turn off geass and having to listen to everyone's thoughts at once, but his crazy is just not appealing to me in the least. I think maybe if he hadn't been a quipping, clapping fiend and had just been bouncy psychotic AKA Andrea from Gankutsuou, I could have accepted his issues and appreciated him as a temporary obstacle for Lelouch. Sadly, he was just a poorly written and poorly designed failure of a character. Jan. 26: Since people are bitching about Geass' plot again (mostly people on the anime blogs), I must say if you are in the Geass fandom for the plot, I feel really sorry for you. Bitching about Geass plot is like bitching about Weiss Kreuz plot. Sure point out the plot holes and mock Lelouch's confusing logic, but don't act offended because Geass didn't provide the stimulating thrill ride you expected of it. Now get back to creating smut with Lelouch or Suzaku or Kallen or C.C. or Orange-kun or whoever floats your boat.
Feb. 6: For my usual, quickie Code Geass commentary, Suzaku is the bionic man, and Lulu is sexy when he pouts. Also geasing himself was hot. Mao better stay dead this time. I mean it.
Feb. 8: In Geass news, I now expect plenty of Japanese fanart of Suzaku drawing a nude model Lelouch. Titanic jokes aside, it would just be friggin' beautiful. Thank you, canon, for giving us a tamer model scene for us to pervert in our fangirlish ways. I admit I'm not sure how to codify such a venture given Geass' latest developments. That scene with the sparkling shards or whatnot raining down on Suzaku was done well. I think I like Toudou now that he's finally had some time to show his character. His smirk amuses me, as does his crew of hellions. As for Lulu, I think that boy's just plain nuts for now. Let's go find you a lolipop, dear.
Feb. 22: Geass is always hit or miss for me, even though I'll watch it just because I love the characters so. But 18 was worthy of Geass' potential. I'm loving Kallen more and more since she got her new mech. Her uber-protection/obsession with Zero is just darling. I really do wonder what will happen when she learns it's Lelouch. Lloyd is a bit of a rake. Gotta love it. As usual, I'm pining for a translation to explain what the hell Lelouch and Suzaku were yelling about in this one. The tension was delicious, and the rearranging of the OP makes it suck much much less. This is more like it, Geass. Also Zero doing the leadership thing way too amusing, even if it wasn't supposed to be. I love this show.
Feb. 27:
You know, when I originally started slashing Suzaku and Lelouch, it was just because I'm a fangirl and they are friends and it's what I do when it comes to fiction. ( But the latest recap episode has pretty much convinced me that Lelouch truly is gay for Suzaku. ) March 2: Best episode of the season!