Who wants to make Nayami a happy birthday girl?

Dec 27, 2006 09:46

Going to be selfish now and list some birthday wishes and many many options since it's on the horizon.


-Fanart of Rabi.
-Fanart of Hiruma, possibly involving Mamori but more focus on Hiruma.
-Fanart of Sasuke/Naruto. TimeJump. Must make reference to affinity line or that scene.
-Psychosis fanart. Since I already have my main two boys. I would most appreciate Erik and Ty. Though Nick and Wolf would also be adorable.
-Good Yamikai/Kaiyami fanfic. Must acknowledge Duel Monsters. Cannot have Yami no Yuugi and Yuugi as separate entities.


-Pride DVD: That thing that puts voices to live-action lion scenes.
-Chrno Crusade DVD Set. I'm just mentioning for kicks. I'll probably buy it myself.
-More Eyeshield 21. Again while I realize that Viz censors Hiruma horribly, it's just easier for me to read manga in my hands than on a computer. I'm a freak.
-Kingdom Hearts Oblivion or Oathkeeper Keychain.
-Gameboy Advanced or Chain of Memories. U.S. will never get the remake.
-Axel or Roxas figurines.

Graham, I forgot to mention I got your gift. I meant to bring it with me to watch over vacation, but I fail.

fanfiction, greedy, manga, fanart, birthday

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