Doujinshi previews: YGO, Gankutsuou, Naruto

Aug 26, 2006 14:05

I completely forgot about uploading my doujinshi previews and since I'm not in the manga mood yet, I guess now's as good a time as any.

I'm thinking about scanning a few. Let me know if there's any you'd be interested in checking out.

EDIT: Revised the summaries since I couldn't remember anything and decided to look them over again.


I can't remember but most of these had some good smut, regardless of my taste of the artwork.

1. Franz/Albert
-This one probably had the prettiest art and most hardcore smut but was mostly a random flashback that takes place right at the end of episode 19. I can't remember why I didn't take a sample shot of it. *shrugs* I think it had too much hardcore smut for me or something.

2. Franz/Albert
-I lack scanner so I have to take sucky pictures. Sorry. This one was awesome and featured some Franz/Lucien interaction (Lucien was probably giving him a pep talk) as well as some Franz and Albert snuggles at the end. I think Albert's naivety returns at the end though. Poor Franz.
The back
Franz and Lucien are cute.

-This one wasn't overly shippy but it features a sword fight so it gets bonus points. Franz looks gorgeous with a fencing sword. I think there are also aphrodesiac chocolates, some of the noble gang bonding scenes and some funny Count/Haydee stuffs.
SWORDS! Look at Franz's pants. XD

4. Franz/Albert
-It sucked and Franz practically raped Albert. Enough said.

5. Franz/Albert
-Cute snugglies, assertive Albert, and I loved the art. I really adored Albert in this one. I'd love it even more if half of it wasn't text.
Albert gets a clue.

6. Franz/Albert
-Again I apologize for the crappy quality. This one didn't have the best art. Well, I enjoyed the way Franz was done at least. But the idea of Albert carrying for a sick Franz was too cute to pass up. The story is very melancholic with a lot of Franz pining for Albert, but it does include a scene where Albert's parents walk in on the boys having sex.
Franz is a sickie.

7. Franz/Albert
-My favorite Gank doujinshi. Loved the art and the storyline. It's slightly angsty and takes place at the start of the series and also somewhere in the middle. There's even a scene where Albert and Franz dance, hence the name of the doujinshi. Also, if you're wondering why I'm using the almost-kiss scene instead of an actual kiss, it's because I find the moment just before a kiss infinitely more erotic than the actual kiss in art.
Prelude to a kis.
Smexy Franz.

8. Count/Albert
-I don't really like Count/Albert art. Just not my ship.


None of these had smut.

1. SasuNaru
-Just a cute crack story for Sasuke and Naruto. The highlight was the sleeping scene where both boys don the silly night caps and Sasuke is snuggly. I think he sneaks into Naruto's bed while Naruto is sleeping. Also amusing fights where Sasuke steals Naruto and later Naruto's jacket, Sasuke beats up Shikamaru and gets stuffed in the trash by Iruka and Sasuke goes a-panty-thieving.
Sasuke looks silly.

2. SasuNaru
-This one reminded me of the Gankutsuou one in that it's about Naruto taking care of a sick Sasuke. There's unconscious kissing and the typical blanket-fic nakedness without sex but only because Sasuke is interrupted by Kakashi and Iruka fighting.
I think he got heatstroke or something.

3. SasuNaru
-At first I couldn't remember anything about this one other than the page with the kittens. Oh Sasuke also tried to find edible food in Naruto's house but learned that was impossible. Sasuke's cleansliness terrifies Naruto. Plus, kisses and snugglies.
Kittens make everything better.

4. SasuNaru
-Stupid shiny covers. This one was a bit dark and depressing. Possibly part of a series. Something about Kyuubi growing stronger in Naruto. Sasuke channels Riku for a while and wanders around with a blindfold. I think he can sense Kyuubi whenever he looks at Naruto and that messes him up.
Naruto feels wicked.

5. SasuNaru
-This one takes place after Valley of the End. It's confusing since Naruto is hallucinating about saving Sasuke while Sasuke is dealing with Orochimaru. Good story. I also loved the art, but they cheated me out of my kiss!
The back
Sasuke haunts Naruto's dreams.

6. SasuNaru
-Mostly a day-in-the-life storyline but quite a lot of foreshadowing for The Valley of the End. Sasuke's a big tease through much of it. Again good art.
The back
The boys doing what they do best -- fighting.

7. SasuNaru
-I bought this solely for the bunny ears. Naruto's cute in here but much much too childish.
The bunny ears are actually only in two pages.

8. SasuNaru
-Assbow Sasuke and Timeskip Naruto. Mostly a gag doujinshi where everyone wants Naruto's ass but quite funny and with your required snuggles.
Sasuke with his prize.


All of these but the third had smut.

1. YamiKaiJou
-Kaiba's a pimp and gets both Jou and Yami's ass at different times in this one. I bought it because he looks like a pimp on the cover. How could you go wrong with that? I didn't really like the art so this is all you get for now.

2. YamiKai
-Yami and Set in Ancient Egypt. The storyline was hard to get and I wasn't crazy about the art again.

3. YamiKai
-Favorite doujinshi of the con. Takes place in the Duelist of the Rose world and the art is spectacular. There's real-monster dueling, there's sword fighting, there's blood licking and there's hot bishounen. If I only scan one of the doujinshi, this will definitely be it.
Kaiba likes the taste of his own blood.
Kaiba is so fuckin' hot in Duelist of the Rose.

doujinshi, sasunaru, naruto, yugioh, gankutsuou, yamikai

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