So afraid to check out the newest Naruto. *whimpers*
Ok, the deleted scenes and extras for the Goblet of Fire DVD reach new levels of wrongness. Aside from Snape dashing about to all the locked cars and deducting points from liplocked students, the inhumanely creepy goth rock band that plays at the Yule Ball and the headache-inducing Hogwarts theme song, you also get Ralph Fiennes and Daniel Radcliffe interaction. Disturbing interaction. I don't know what was worse. Fiennes constantly touching himself. Poor audio that made it sound like Daniel said "His body is FANTASTIC." Or Fiennes saying "When it really comes down to it, what you have is an older man who's tied up a younger boy and is humiliating him." GOD FIENNES! It was twisted enough without you having to beat to death the pedophilia motif.
Needless to say, this is my favorite HP DVD ever!
The lip-synching action I got going for Ritsuka delights me to no end, although I won't do it for "Look what you've done to this broken down clown" because I will go INSANE. If Adobe continues to be a good program, I should be adding in the non-lyric musical interlude pieces soon. Meaning I will take every freaky random scene I can find from the anime and just toss it any which way. Not like I have a real way of determining when each separate piece of tracks starts anyway. I'm also undecided on the use of five seconds of black screen after each line. I could try for a fade to black but every single time has a good chance of obliterating both my memory and my computer. Also thinking about tossing audio from an episode either at the beginning of the AMV, the end or both.
Took the car out for spin with the sun roof down for the first time ever. I might eventually get around to taking pictures, but I doubt it. I don't know. I think it needs something. Probably Tenimiyu. That would shut up the boy in his tricked, sunroof-having sports car that just had to blast the Milkshake Song at top volume whenever we hit a red light together. He can have his milkshake, I'll have my victoly.
For my Yugioh fans, Yugioh does
The Two Towers and
Return of the King. Highlights include Yami as Aragorn, Bakura as Frodo and two special guests as Theoden and Sam. May the crossover orgy begin.