Feb 13, 2006 20:51
Note to self, on new car when the insurance company finally tells you your old one is kaput, request 4-wheel drive. This makes the fourth person I had to tell to push me. For doing such a bang-up job with the snow clearance, the municipalities kind of neglected the parking lots and oh, the turn lanes. Making a right hand turn with less than an inch of turn lane on a highway at 9 p.m. is fun. I wanna do it again.
Need to buy Tenimiyu CD or make some compilation soon, maybe tonight, since the Digimon/Gravitation CDs are about to burst into flames. I can only listen to "Walk on the Edge" and "Tobira no Door" so many times before I go poof. The funny thing is the more nervous I am about driving the louder the music goes. I'm surprised I can still hear. XD
I think I sufficiently ditched one of my assignments. Katsucon should be a go. Tom and I need more anime bonding anyway. He need to see Black Cat, and I need doujinshi. I wonder if I'll be able to track down any Creed/Train.
Both this account and Faith's are running out of paid time. I need to demand the credit card again. Good thing I just got paid. I'm too shy to ask for someone to pay for me.