I think I misnamed Sasuke-neko. The damn fool just tried to bury herself in the litter box. She hopped out of my hands, digs a little hole in the freshly poured litter and proceeds to shove her face into it and then roll around like a nut. I'd be damned if I was playing with her after the display. WTF, Sasuke-neko?
The funeral home I usually get in a spat with took pity on me today and typed up their form all nice and pretty. And they still forgot information and forced me to call. I felt bad about it too.
I wonder if I can continue to drive my car the rest of the week on less than a quarter tank. I already owe Dad for the Gravi OVA and a shiny new ethernet cable, required to keep me from launching the modem out the window when the chord fell out during yet another AIM conversation. I still have to buy my costume too.
Camp owned my soul a bit too much yesternight. A bit being from 3 p.m. to 1 a.m. Not sane at all. I'm not going to link, I'm just going to suggest browing
cfud_daily from Oct. 15 to Oct. 16. But B and the Gentleman rule all. God, if I had any talent at all, I'd app Faith. But I'd crash and burn in a very bad way so no. That and I'd need to rewatch all her Season 3 stuff. Probably don't want Season 7/Angel-fixed Faith with Season 3!Buffy.
Also rebuilding my effigy for Clamp because Rikuou and Kaza-chan make me miss my Legal Drug so so much. I really should have known better than to ever pick up the raw manga and I definitely should have known better than to buy all of the licensed stuff. I want more Kazahaya. ;_; He really is my favorite type of uke. Curse you, Clamp!
Remind me to make my "Guns don't kill people. K kills people!" icon.
I'm shocked that I actually got to work by my goal of 9:30 a.m. today. I'm going to shoot for 9 a.m. for the rest of the week since I like getting home at reasonable times of day. God, I don't want to log yesterday's activities with the pup. Note to self, must venture to
wolfsrain and whore self to community, promising sex for more WR wolves. Hey, if the GSeed gang can do it so can I. Lucky bastards have one of the GSeed mods on their side though.